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Water finally peaks?

Aug 17, 2009

Water is now over dock and creeping up the hill towards the Bait & Tackle! Here's an updated picture of the dock area.  We procrastinated for a long time, but with a large group in today and the Toyota "Call of the Tundra" event this weekend, we felt we needed to finally address the dock issue.  We spent a full day yesterday building this riser which sits about 12" above the dock.  The heavy rains we've had rather consistently since mid-July have made the water crest a 2nd time this year, and hopefully we built them high enough! The good news is that it seems the crest happened yesterday at 9.25" over the dock, because today it finally subsided a bit!  It is now "only" 9 inches under water.  Hopefully it drops quickly.  What a crazy amount of water!