Mid-Summer spots turning on
Jul 10, 2007
You have probably noticed the lack of updates lately... it's not that we've been too busy - it's that we've been in "vacation mode"! This year, our break started on July 1st and will extend through to the 19th of July. It's longer than the 10 days we shoot for, but that's just the way the bookings fell this year. Our staff is mostly spending the break travelling (from Ottawa to BC!), and attending the Winnipeg Folk Fest at Bird's Hill Park - an annual festival of music that attracts over 100,000 people! Meanwhile, back at Aikens, the first week of the break was a very nice quiet time for Pit and Julie to host Julie's parents and her sister's family. Annika especially enjoyed this as her little cousins Jude (5) and Joel (2) were here to play with her. They especially loved the new trampoline! The weather cooperated nicely and so there were a few beach days, and some good fishing time as well. Joel caught the first fish of his life, and the kids really liked being able to eat the fish they caught for shorelunch!
As happened last year, Julie was the best guide of the week. This time, she guided herself to a trophy walleye on the Saddle. We fished primarily mid-summer spots like the Saddle, Bear Island, Middle Gull, Three Sisters, Mouth of the Gammon, and the always popular South Arm. We landed big slots on just about all of these spots. The walleyes seemed to be in 20-27 feet of water for the most part. We also tried a deep-troll for lakers by running spoons and raps on 8-oz weights that ran around 50-55feet... but unfortunately we only connected with a pike and no lakers.
This week, Gerry and Lorraine are at camp. They have reported some good catches at the South Arm and also at Red Rock. It seems that when our break is done, the walleye population will be completely moved onto our favorite spots! I love it when you can find these huge schools of fish on a structure, then just stay on them and catch them one after another!
Stay tuned to the newsletter in the next day or two for pictures of our new luxury van! It was just imported into Canada at the end of June and will be ready to start transporting clients from Winnipeg to Silver Falls as soon as our break is over!