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First report from the lodge

May 7, 2011

Beach and ice…anyone for a swim? We're here!!! A new season is upon us, and we couldn't be more excited. A crew of five of us landed yesterday shortly after lunch. We were all excited to see Enzo, the new puppy, walk off the plane and into his new playground! He was tentative to walk the plank from plane to dock, but quickly found his feet. He started off with a lot of enthusiasm as he sniffed and checked every nook and cranny at the lodge. He was running around everywhere, but as with all puppies he only lasted a few hours before a heavy sleep drowned his enthusiasm. He found a nice spot by the dock in the sunlight and snored away the rest of the day as Pat and Mars put the first two boats in the water. Proud papa with Enzo Enzo’s getting to know every inch of Aikens! One of the many branches that the bull moose broke The camp is in excellent shape. We get to reap the benefits of such a diligent close last fall. The vehicles are all in top shape and we were able to get things rolling quickly. The only thing out of place seems to be the small trees that took a beating during last fall's moose rut. Bull moose like to rub the velvet off their antlers by raking them through smaller trees and branches. This guy must have snapped at least 50 branches and trees around camp! Outside of that the camp is in perfect condition. It will take a while to get all the boats back in, and take down all the boards covering the windows, but it looks like we don't have anything outside of the ordinary to deal with this spring. A view from Sunset Chalet overlooking the lake Now that’s cool! Trolling the ice edge (without success last night!) There is still ice covering a good 75% of the lake. The Back Bay is open, as is the Gammon River and Honey Hole. The current has pushed the ice out to about Chris's Corner. Although there is still lots of ice, all it will take is one windy day to crush the last of it onto the warm shorelines. Our first guests arrive on May 21st so we have a few weeks to get everything ready. We'll keep you guys up to date as we go. Cheers!