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Ex-Maple Leafs players to sign autographs in Toronto

Mar 13, 2006

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The Toronto Sportsmen's show runs from March 15-19, 2006. It will be the first time that Aikens Lake has a booth at this exciting show! Toronto is known as the "Little New York", and they do love their hockey! As you may have read in our news last summer, Kris King came up to Aikens to film an episode for his TV show "Full Contact Fishing". His co-star for that trip was Mike Gartner. Both of these men spent part of their NHL careers in Toronto! If you are in the Toronto area and would like to meet these two witty guys, come to the Sportsmen's Show on the evening of March 15th. They will be in our booth signing autographs for everyone! Come and see us in booths 906 & 908.