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"Dog Days of Summer"

Jul 20, 2011


The expression “Dog Days of Summer” has been around for millenniums and has been modified in North America to become the “Dog Days of July”. It means the weather is HOT during the day and the fishing is HOT during the morning and evening periods when the summer sun hits the water at more indirect angles. We have been mired in a hot streak that has extended the last week and a half. The water temp is now in the mid-70's, with some areas hitting a blistering 80 degrees! As you all know, our guides are very accommodating and are usually willing to alter the fishing schedule during these "dog days". Most of our guests in the past week have wanted to fish during the morning, have shorelunch on the lake, then relax during those hot afternoons, and finally return to the lake with the guides after dinner for the evening bite. Might as well take advantage of those peak fishing times, while relaxing when the sun is at its peak.

This year, we are blessed in that the beautiful golden sand beaches that grace many areas along the shoreline including the entire lake front at the Lodge are fully exposed, expansive and very clean and inviting. It also means it’s “Beach and Swim Time” at Aikens Lake - especially when that thermostat is reading over 90 degrees! So bring your bathing suits and beach towels, your favorite sun block and sun glasses, perhaps a cold beer and a good book as you may want to fully enjoy one of Aikens Lake’s greatest natural features. Nothing can be more refreshing than resting those tired arms from a good morning of fishing than by swimming in Aikens Lake on a “Dog Day Afternoon”.