What a way to end our season! NECA (Minneapolis Chapter) is a large group of 24+ electrical contractors and they have their annual conference up at Aikens. Last year was their first visit to Aikens as a group, and they had decided that Aikens would be their destination for 2007 even before they left last year! The group really enjoys the camaraderie with the staff, the vibrant night life in Big Molly's Bar, and the spectacular walleye fishing.

This year's trip featured some very cold weather! Despite temps that were in the 30's, the group braved it out on the lake and were rewarded for their efforts. There were many trophies and slot walleyes caught. Everybody really liked the new shorelunch setup at GGO, especially because you could get a huge fire roaring for everyone to warm up! Several impromptu joke sessions had the group in stitches, and a few contract guides... namely Marquis and Marcel... were right in there making people keel over in laughter!

Every year, the group gives out the "Hairy Lure" award. It all started off 9 years ago when NECA wanted to recognize an important person in their group in a sort-of lifetime achievement celebration. The Hairy Lure started off as a piece of driftwood that had a lock of hair from one of the girls at the lodge. Since then, the award has taken a much more personal meaning... it is decorated with all kinds of important aspects in a person's life. The presentation is also worth the price of admission! Bart Baker is the presenter, and he finds the wackiest outfits in which to make his speeches. This year, he was decked out in a 70's style movie star costume. Just seeing him enter the room was enough to get everyone laughing! This year, Doug Olson won the award. He said that he didn't expect to win it, and he was a very proud recipient!

Aikens decided to present its own award, a take-off from the Hairy Lure, and we named it the Furry Fish! We actually had this furry fish mount that had been hanging up in the B&T for years! We awarded it to a man who went toe-to-toe with Marquis in a battle of wits and lived to tell the story. We awarded it to a man that was constantly the life of the party, and a guy who made everyone laugh out loud. The winner of the first ever Furry Fish award was Bart Baker! We can't wait to see who will win it again next year.