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Water levels receeding, fishing heating up.

juil. 15, 2011

Good 'Ol Kody is screaming happy with the hot sunny weather!

A quick update to set your thoughts onto huge fish, screaming drag, farmer tans, empty bait tubs and busy nets. A three week (so far) heat wave has settled on Aikens Lake. Temperatures in the low 80s to high 90s are warming our lake at a rapid rate. Also, normal levels of precipitation this year have sent the water line downward to levels not seen very often during the past 5 years. Lake structures which were in the last few seasons two to four feet deeper are now in their traditional "Strike Zone". Hot constant weather has also made for a steady thermocline (which now sits at around 21 feet and dropping). Our big walleyes are schooling up and gravitating to this oxygen and bait rich band of water throughout the lake. Ask your guide. He'll demonstrate to you the precision vertical jigging techniques that Aikens is best known for.

A view of the beach on a bright July 2011 sunny dayThe boat ramp at the dock leads into the Back BayHow's that for summertime beach fun?

Enzo watches on as water lowers and the heat rises!Another huge benefit of lower water is that Aikens Lake's beautiful golden sand beaches are now draped across the whole peninsula. So, enjoy an ice cold cocktail while soaking yourself in the clear and cool beach water after a hot day of hot fishing on Aikens! The forecast is calling for more sunshine and lollipops. Stay tuned to see what events transpire on and off the water as this summer goes forward. We can't wait to see what the next big catch will be!