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Second half of the season under way!

juil. 12, 2008

Pit loving the summer!Big Walleyes think they can hide...(see the jig falling?)Pat and Ashton sporting large Walters

Well rested and eager to please, the Aikens staff returned to the lodge yesterday after a well-deserved respite back in town. Many took advantage of their break to spend time with loved ones, sleep in late and some took in a round of golf orThe Aikens Golf Crew---- From left to right: Back row: Cedar, Points, Gabs, Kik 2nd row: Marcel, Ashton, Andre, Julien, D.G., Marc Front row: Pat, Bruno, Diesel Julien doing what he does best: Shining!two. This year was the Third Annual Aikens Invitational. Pat&Turbo started this tradition as a twosome in '06. The year after Cedar and Julien joined in. This year the tourney grew to 13 people! It was a great time and most of all, everyone made it home in the same state (somewhat) as they had arrived. The winning team consisted of Julien, D.G. (Dan), Fonzy (Andre),Ashton and Points. Pizza, barley pops, laughs and the rest of the Aikens crew congregated together to form a wonderful July 6th evening! Meanwhile, back at the lodge...July ushers in the second leg of our May to September season. We spent the day getting camp ready: the lawn mowed, the boats bailed and cleaned up, the lodge and cabins were all gussied-up to welcome our guests. The guides having had the chance to re-stock their tackle boxes, are chomping at the bit to go find the bite. With the rising mercury, the thermocline (stratification of water temperature) is set-up and the baitfish (and Walleyes) are relating to it. This being said, this is the time in the season when we start seeing trophy fish on our lake structure! Spots such as The Saddle, Red Rock, South Shore Reef, Bear Island to name but a few will be definite Hot-Spots for our anglers. High winds and constant rain delayed flights and kept most people on land. But that didn't dissuade two of our guides (Trevor and Tyler AKA. Team Ontario) from braving the waves and trying their luck on the Saddle. Reports of 30+ fish hooked and the presence of slot Walleyes bodes well for the days to come. Stay posted for more news about this summer's events! Another breath-taking July sunset