At Aikens, we have 10 approved sites for groups to meet up for shorelunch. We have sites that range from small (groups of 2 only) to large (up to 40 people). There is always a site open and one that suits the needs of our guests. One of the favorites used to be in the South Arm. Being so close to a huge walleye factory was always it's prime asset, but it's also on a point where any wind will keep the bugs away. The only downside was that it was small (groups of 2-4 only), and over the years it became ignored.

Jason Fillion worked for Aikens from 1997-2001. As with all of our employees, he's always remained a part of the Aikens Family. For the past couple of seasons, he has dedicated his time to come up and re-build shorelunch sites with the help of his little brother Jamie. Their father is a mason, and Jason learned some tricks of the trade over the years. His firepits are more of an art than a construction project. This year, he rebuilt the shorelunch in the South Arm. We have already started using it and have moved a picnic table and filleting table there. As you can see in the pictures, Jason takes great pride in his work and his signature this time was to place stones on top of the pit with the initials "ALWL"... Aikens Lake Wilderness Lodge ("Just in case anyone forgets where they are fishing", Jason says!) Thanks for another great site, guys. Next year will it be the site in Lost Lake or Bay of Snakes?