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Mid season fishing and lodge updates

juil. 24, 2012

On the lake and on shore, the gang has been at it again. Scores of happy fishermen have had great catches all around the lake. The big walleyes have migrated to the reefs and the pike are now traveling between deep and shallow to feed and hunt. Steady hot weather for this past month too! Temps above 85 degrees and moderately calm winds have given everyone the chance to enjoy their stay and work their tans. Water levels which were low in early spring, skyrocketed in June and has since crested and started receding. The beach grows more and more every day, much to Pit and Julie's kids enjoyment! Trolling, jigging and bottom-bouncing are all garnering some very nice specimens. Trophy pike have been boated too of late. New spots (Rodeo Ridge and Beaubois Bay) have further expanded our detailed guide's playbook. Around the lodge, cabins 1 through 4 have been refinished on the exterior to give them back their stunning pop. The Lone Coyote, our senior staff residence, is being sided at press time. Harvested wood for the boiler is being cut and stacked... The hard work and the impressive results never end through out the season. A quick reminder, for daily updates please visit us on Facebook: With another 60 days left we are excited to see what the rest of our season holds!