Logging efforts continue
août 22, 2005
As many of you know, Aikens Lake has the best log accommodations in the business - and this is due to the fact that we have a sawmill and a permit which gives us the ability to produce all of our own lumber. This year, we harvested enough wood to replace (in 2006) the final two cabins that made up "Wilderness Trail". The new cabins 3 and 4 are going to be timberframe construction may have a similar floor plan as our Boardwalk Chalets. After the trees are cut and peeled and have sat for a month or two, they are moved from the woods back to the lodge. The wood we harvested is now all stacked up on shore in Moosehead Bay, and the barge is working constantly to bring it all back to the main camp. What you see in the picture is our logging crew (Ryan, Kik, Dan) sitting on the final pile of lumber awaiting transporation back to the lodge. Kik and Dan were hired to be an integral part of the logging efforts this season, and their enthousiasm and strong work ethic helped them become excellent loggers. Ryan, one of our past head guides, is no stranger to logging! He's currently studying chiropractics in Minneapolis, but took a week of his short vacation to come help out with guiding and logging. We are sure that the cabins we build next year with all this lumber are going to be awe-inspiring!