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Lodge revamp lookin' great!

sept. 19, 2011

 DG in front of the new face of MAR Top to bottom, front to back, the place is getting a breath of fresh air. Gone are curled shingles. Away with drab older siding. Chipped paint? I don't think so Tim. There's a new look in town. This fall has been a whirlwind of renos, roofing and siding. From the Old Caillebo (the ex shower facilities) to the Big Molly's porch nary a tar shingle can be found. Expert installation of green tin roofs complete with new fascia, soffit and gutters was handled by Gabs Gosselin. The metal topsides were added to OCC (Old Caillebo), Park Place (which also had its logs refinished this year), Orion and Master Angler's Row (which is, at press time, being gutted and renovated into luxury two-person suites). Our renovations spearheaded by FGBuilders owner/operators Dan Garand and Andre Fontaine, as previously mentioned, are an interior transformation of MAR; new windows and doors, tongue and groove white pine vaulted ceilings, a new bathroom layout and brand-new hand crafted beds built right here in our shop with the able and quality craftsmanship of the Captain. The exteriors of MAR and the lodge then got a wrap around finish of half log with green trim. Very sharpish! The boys on the completed dock at GGO Meanwhile on the other side of the lake... GGO had it's huge overhaul earlier this season. This time we wrapped up some unfinished business. Low water and a few free days equaled three new footings for the final phase of the Grey Owl's dock. Flown in was our welding visionary Leo Nolette whom, with our maintenance manager Marcel Bedard, boomed out the final sections of this imposing structure. With the deck installed the dock now has 75ft of frontage and is able the tether our entire guide boat fleet during high water for those large (and delicious) shore lunches! Elbow grease and vision have paid dividends at Aikens once again. The place is constantly re-inventing and improving its ability to offer you, our distinguished guests, staff and readership, a unique and unforgettable adventure. Out with the old, in with the new. We look forward to hearing your feedback towards these recent efforts.