Our staff is surely going to be well rested... we just finished up a long break which allowed everyone to recharge their batteries. Many of our staff traveled oustide the province during the break, visiting friends and family... or even just to fish! Many people went fishing for smallmouth, with a 17.5" being the biggest one caught (Turbo). Others used the time to lounge on the beach, or to stay up way too late! All in all, it is a fun and necessary part of our summer plans every year.
Today, we flew back in to Aikens to get it set up for our first guests of the "2nd half"... We have a group of 4 coming in tomorrow. Today we cleaned the cabins, cut the lawn, bailed and cleaned the boats, and basically got the camp back in order. We were also able to go out fishing... actually we didn't have a choice because we had to catch our supper! It didn't take long to find out that the walleyes are hungry! Julie and Pit got onto a school of eater-size 'eyes at the Saddle. Pat and Turbo took Jimmy, Elise, Janelle, and Aislinn fishing and got into some fish at South Shore reef in 28 feet. They caught an assortment of sizes, with the biggest one taping 27". The Captain and his family found fish at Bear Island. It seems the mid-summer patterns are in full swing and this bodes well for the 2nd half! We will now get back to updating the page every couple of days, so bookmark this page and come back often!