Aikens 2020 Fishing Report
janv. 25, 2021
While many would’ve loved to have been fishing at Aikens Lake in 2020, we were pleased to offer our world-class experience to our faithful local guests. Last season, the jig bite was hot, the bounce was on and the troll was hitting. Our team of pro-staff guides provided hundreds of happy guests unbelievable angling opportunities. We showcased our unmatched and classic Canadian shore-lunches lakeside every day. As well, every guest left with memories that will last a lifetime (they also each received a USB stick with their pictures to prove it).
Annually, our late May to late September season offers flexibility no matter your schedule or preference of fishing season. The 290-foot-deep lake and 11,000-acre basin is home to countless game fish. Annually, we record some truly spectacular specimens which make the envy of many fellow anglers. The Gammon River which flows through our lake also holds a remarkable number of hungry catches. We are fortunate to have access to its breath-taking falls one mile from our Main Dock as well as five miles of navigable channel down-river. Our Lost Lake Outpost has access to its own bountiful lake which is home to stunning golden-bellied walleyes and big ravenous pike. Our adventure seekers can trek into Bonaventure Lake and catch fish after fish in this backwater haven. As you can see, the options and opportunities are squarely in your favor. And the chance to catch a fish of a lifetime is always just one bite away.
Here are the best catches on Aikens Lake in 2020:
30” Walleye caught by Mr. Calem Anderson of Dugald, MB
42” Northern Pike caught by Mr. Asher Leitch of East St. Paul, MB
40.25” Lake Trout caught by Mr. Dave Fairbairn of Creighton, SK
19.5” Sucker caught by Mr. Ryan Kiansky of St. Malo, MB
30” Burbot caught by Mr. Kieran Anderson of Dugald, MB
Kudos to these happy few that wrangled these beasts from the deep. This is but a small sample size of the bounty caught in 2020. Steady warm weather and low water levels compressed our quarry into massive pods of hungry, glutinous wolf packs. However, with reduced angling pressure the fish should be even more ravenous in 2021. Congratulations to our happy fishermen!
Have you heard about the Aikens Lake Century Club? This popular challenge is unique and available only to guests of Aikens Lake Wilderness Lodge. The target is to catch 4 walleyes during your guided day that total 100” or more. Successful anglers will have their names added to the Century Club, receive an 8 X 10 portrait to commemorate their feat and they are entered into a draw, along with all our Master angler entries, for a free fishing trip in the next year. This is an exciting and fun-filled challenge that motivates anglers to really search out the big ones.
Our constant commitment to quality resource management, diligent stewardship and now 16 years of Catch & Release measures (save for shorelunch, of course) have ensured Aikens Lake Wilderness Lodge will continue to provide its visitors with world-class angling opportunities. To our returning guests that are counting down the days till their return and to our first-time inductees into the “Aikens Experience” we genuinely look forward to sharing and forging new memories with you in 2021. See you at the lake!