2017 Staff Bios

1. My name is Gab-Riel, but my nickname at Aikens is Pit.
2. This is my 29th season at the lodge and I keep coming back because it’s home!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Nautical Disaster” by the Tragically Hip.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved: I love hating the food I hate... like curry or coffee
5. The TV show that I most identify with is weirdly, Sons of Anarchy. I’m not a biker, but I probably would have been a pretty good one.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is... most country artists. There are only 4 country songs I actually like, all by different artists.
7. I am a big Winnipeg Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is... I’ve guided bigger than I have caught myself, thankfully. Biggest pike is 45”, walleye 31”, trout 39.5”, burbot 33”, whitefish 23”". Never caught a trophy perch or sucker on Aikens (yet!).
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year are my bar shoes. But thankfully, I know people that can get me these types of things!

1. My name is Julie, but my nickname at Aikens is Julie, but Grant calls me Jewels.
2. This is my 18th season at the lodge and the people and the experience are what keep me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Dancing Cheek to Cheek” by Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved are mushrooms.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Cheers.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is anything country really...
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 43” Northern Pike.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is the Trophy Book for the B&T.

1. My name is Patrick, but my nickname at Aikens is Papa.
2. This is my 18th season at the lodge and Taco Tuesdays are what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Kaw-Liga” by Hank Williams Jr.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is chutney.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Les Pêcheurs.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Rush.
7. I am a Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is 49” pike (guided).
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is my motorcycle.

1. My name is Janelle, but my nickname at Aikens is Jans.
2. This is my 12th season at the lodge and the breathtaking sunsets and the fresh cookies are what keep me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Never Ever” by All Saints.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is everything citrus.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Modern Family.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Limp Bizkit.
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets fan (Dad, if you’re reading, I meant the Montreal Canadians!).
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 28” walleye... but it’s about time for a bigger one!
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is sunscreen.

Head Guide
1. My name is Jean-Bocar, but my nicknames at Aikens are JB, BooBoo, Black Boucanne.
2. This is my 8th season at the lodge and the people and culture is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “She knows" by J. Cole.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved are raisins.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Life Below Zero.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Hedley, Simple Plan.
7. I am a NBA fan. Go Lakers!
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 44" Pike.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is Cholula Ho Sauce but Gus got me covered!

1. My name is Ben, but my nicknames at Aikens are Benny, Uncle Bud.
2. This is my 6th season at the lodge and the Aikens Family and guests is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Hey Mama" by Kanye West.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is Mushrooms.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Modern Family.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Justin Bieber.
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets fan!
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 41" Pike.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is my Bug Spray!

1. My name is Derek, but my nickname at Aikens are D. and D-Rock.
2. This is my 5th season at the lodge and the family vibe and culture is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be anything Chris Stapelton.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is Horseradish.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Sportscentre / Life Below Zero.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is any screamo music.
7. I am a Ottawa fan!
8. My biggest fish guided on Aikens Lake is a 45" Pike and 40" Laker.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is Underwear....

1. My name is Austin, but my nickname at Aikens is Stone Cold.
2. This is my 4th season at the lodge and the great people, great fishing and beer are what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Stacey's Mom".
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is chundy stew.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Curb Your Enthusiasm.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is any of the new garbage hippity hop.
7. I am a Jet's and Flyers fan!
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 42.5" northern.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is a toothbrush.

1. My name is Marco, but my nickname at Aikens is Marker.
2. This is my third season at the lodge and Carey is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Wonderwall” by Oasis.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is sushi.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is The Office.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Nickelback.
7. I am a Las Vegas Knights fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a trophy whitefish guided by my buddy Coco.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is my girlfriend.

1. My name is Colin, but my nickname at Aikens is Coco.
2. This is my third season at the lodge and Gibson is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Bungalow” by Matty.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is zucchini desserts.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Breaking Bad.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Gernie and Dan Dan.
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets fan - Team Chevy all the way!
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is 26.5” walleye.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is my tackle box!

1. My name is Carey, but my nicknames at Aikens are Cody or Corvalis.
2. This is my 2nd season at the lodge and the staff cabin with a view is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Boots or Hearts”.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is cereal.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is The Grand Tour.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Rise Against.
7. I am a Habs fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is every time I remember it, it just gets bigger!
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year are my textbooks.

1. My name is Evan, but my nickname at Aikens is Pebble.
2. This is my second season at the lodge and the pretty flowers are what keep me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be Chopin’s “Nocturne no. 19 in E Minor”.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is ... hate? ...food?
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Scooby Doo.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is One Direction (*avoids eye contact*).
7. I am a Leafs fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a good size pike.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is all the bad vibes...oops!

1. My name is Sean, but my nickname at Aikens is Stache.
2. This is my second season at the lodge and the people are what keep me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be Chopin’s “Everlong"
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is guacamole.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Breaking Bad.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is One Direction.
7. I am a Toronto fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 41" pike.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year are socks.

1. My name is Justin, but my nickname at Aikens is Skip.
2. This is my second season at the lodge and the fishing is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Money for Nothing”.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is Sushi.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is That 70’s Show.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is ABBA.
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 25” walleye.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year are some munchies.

1. My name is Dennis, but my nickname at Aikens is Denny.
2. This is my first season at the lodge and I’m excited to work at Aikens because I get to spend my full summer out in a boat, enjoying nature with great people.
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Fishin’ in the Dark” by Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is Parmesan Cheese.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is How I Met Your Mother.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Nickelback.
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is yet to be determined.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is my girlfriend.

1. My name is Brenden, but my nickname at Aikens is B-Dawg.
2. This is my first season at the lodge and I’m excited to work at Aikens because of the great people and amazing fishing.
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Came Here to Forget” by Blake Shelton.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is vegetable stir-fry.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Family Guy.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Justin Bieber.
7. I am a Chicago Blahawks and Dallas Stars fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is only a dinker pike, as I’ve only been out a couple of times.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is Chapstick.

1. My name is Jared, my nickname at Aikens is still Jared.
2. This is my 2nd season at the lodge and living at the lake all summer is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be "Night Train" by GN'R.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is Tequila.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is My Secret Identity.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is 95% of New Country.
7. I am a Winnipeg Thunder fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is embarassing.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is a case of Standard and a bottle of Jameson!

1. My name is Jhordanne, but my nickname at Aikens is Pelch’s Girl.
2. This is my first season at the lodge and I’m excited to work at Aikens because I get to spend the day doing something that I love... baking!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be anything by The Beatles.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is tomatoes.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is 2 Broke Girls.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Katy Perry, she seems cool but her music isn’t.
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is to be announced.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is Clamato for my Caesars!

GGO Hostess and Housekeeping
1. My name is Tess, but my nicknames at Aikens are Tessa or Zein.
2. This is my third season at the lodge and the call of the loon is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “J’pas un Cowboy” by Lisa Leblanc.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is duck liver (foi gras).
5. The TV show that I most identify with is... I don’t really identify with TV shows, but I like Doctor Who.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Celine Dion (no offense).
7. I am a Jets fan (sort of).
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a Lake Trout.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year are my mittens.

1. My name is Danielle, but my nicknames at Aikens is Dan Dan .
2. This is my 3rd season at the lodge and the people up here and being in the outdoors is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be anything Country.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is soup.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Heartland.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is anything screamo.
7. I am a Calgary, Chicago and Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 38" Pike.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is a water bottle and a hair cutting cape.
1. My name is Melanie, but my nicknames at Aikens are Mel or Melawnie.
2. This is my 2nd season at the lodge and the guests are what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be anything Britney Spears.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is lobster.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Heartland.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Ozzy Osbourne.
7. I am a Canucks fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a trophy Northern Pike.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is an extra liver.

1. My name is Gabrielle, but my nickname at Aikens is Gabby.
2. This is my first season at the lodge and I’m excited to work at Aikens because I’ve heard that it’s the best summer job that anyone could have.
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Runaway Baby” by Bruno Mars.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is olives.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Grey’s Anatomy.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is anyone that does “screamo” music.
7. I am a Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is 28" Walleye.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is a water bottle.

1. My name is Arizona, but my nicknames at Aikens are Rizzy and Zona.
2. This is my first season at the lodge and I’m excited to work at Aikens because it is a new opportunity filled with new experiences and great people.
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Mr. Brightside”.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is pickles.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Grey’s Anatomy.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is... I actually listen to all music types, so I can’t think one one now!
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is (non existent).
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year are rain boots.

Organization Expert
1. My name is Lorraine, but my nickname at Aikens is mostly Mémère!
2. This is my 29th season at the lodge and I keep coming back because I absolutely love being here!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “This Old Guitar” by John Denver.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is red wine.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Hawaii Life and Island Life on HGTV.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is all bands that play heavy metal noise.
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets fan... True North!
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is 39” Northern Pike, but really it was on Bonaventure Lake.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is nothing... I have it all here!

GGO Host
1. My name is Joël, but at Aikens, I’m better known as Joe.
2. This is my 6th season at the lodge. I keep coming back to this wonderful Peninsula because I get to do something different everyday.
3. My favorite television series to binge-watch on Netflix is Seinfeld, if only it was on Netflix...
4. My travel bucket-list includes Europe and Australia.
5. The best advice I’ve ever received is “If you can’t work and talk, don’t talk”.
6. On my off-time at Aikens, you can find me shooting hoops in the yard.
7. My favorite fishing memory at Aikens is double-troph with the boys.
8. The one item I cannot live without is my upper-lip hair.

GGO & Lost Lake Host
1. My name is Jonny, but my nickname at Aikens is Gernard.
2. This is my 5th season at the lodge and my low self esteem is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Pancake on the Fruit Loops”.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is shelfish.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Latin Lover.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Krusty Tartar.
7. I am a Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is 41” Pike.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is a girlfriend.

1. My name is Justin, but my nickname at Aikens is Juice.
2. This is my 4th season at the lodge and escaping the city and sunsets are what keep me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Drop it Like it’s Hot”.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is pepper.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is That 70’s Show.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Krusty Tartar.
7. I am a Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 27 and 7/8” walleye .
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is my girlfriend.

1. My name is Nick, and I don’t have a nickname at Aikens yet!
2. This is my first season at the lodge and I’m excited to work at Aikens because I get to fish and work with a great group of people.
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It” by Ice Cube.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is sushi.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is The Office.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Nickelback.
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 4” perch.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is my belt.

Bait & Tackle
1. My name is Yvan, but my nickname at Aikens is Ivar.
2. This is my first season at the lodge and I’m excited to work at Aikens because I love the outdoors.
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be "Party in the USA".
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is peanuts.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is The Sopranos.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is DJ Khaled.
7. I am a Montreal Canadians fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 32" Pike.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is a pair of sunglasses.

1. My name is Myles, but my nickname at Aikens is Smyles.
2. This is my 3rd season at the lodge and good sized pike are what keep me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Money” by Pink Floyd.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is beans.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Trailer Park Boys.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is The Weekend.
7. I am a Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a pike.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is my phone charger.
1. My name is Eric but my nickname at Aikens is to be determined.
2. This is my first season at the lodge and I'm excited to work there for the fishing & I think it will be a good experience.
3. A song I would never skip on my playlist is "come and get your love" by redbone.
4. The one food item I hate but wished I love is hotdogs.
5. The tv show I most identify with is that 70's show.
6. One singer I can't stand is Taylor Swift.
7. I am a Winnipeg jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on aikens lake is to still to be determined.
9. The one this I forgot to pack is still to be determined.
1. My name is Elmanu but my nickname at Aikens is to be determined
2. This is my first season at the lodge and I'm excited to work there because of the remoteness and great fishing.
3. A song I would never skip on my playlist is "Everybody" by Logic.
4. The one food item I hate but wished I love is tomatoes.
5. The tv show I most identify with is Game of Thrones.
6. One singer I can't stand is Justin Bieber.
7. I am a Pittsburgh Penguins fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on aikens lake is to still to be determined.
9. The one this I forgot to pack is hopefully nothing important.

Head of Childcare Services
1. My name is Annika, but my nickname at Aikens is Anni.
2. This is my 13th season at the lodge and not having caught a trophy yet is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be "Some nights" by Fun.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved are tomatoes.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Girl Meets World.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is Justin Bieber.
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets and Chicago Blackhawks fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 27 3/4" walleye.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year are my friends.

Official Dock Net Man
1. My name is Martin, but my nickname at Aikens is Marty..
2. This is my 10th season at the lodge and the fun is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be "Shape of You".
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is Mustard.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Scooby Doo.
6. One song I can’t stand is Narwhal, Narwhal.
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 27.5" walleye.
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is my itunes card.

Trail Inspector
1. My name is Oscar, but my nickname at Aikens are Oz-man, Oz and Ozzie.
2. This is my 5th season at the lodge and the walking trails are what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be “Paris” by the Chainsmokers.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is mushrooms.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Toupie et Binou.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is my dad, just when he’s singing!
7. I am a Winnipeg Jets fan.
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is small pike, but to me it was HUGE!
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is Memère.

Professional Vehicle Co-Pilot
1. My name is Arthur, but my nicknames at Aikens are Arty and Art.
2. This is my third season at the lodge and my obsession with motorized vehicles is what keeps me coming back!
3. A song that I would never skip on my playlist would be Minion’s “Banana Song”.
4. The one food item that I hate but wish I loved is plain yogurt.
5. The TV show that I most identify with is Max et Ruby.
6. One singer or band I can’t stand is my brother (only when he sings!).
7. I am a hockey fan, and I think all the teams are the Jets!
8. My biggest fish caught on Aikens Lake is a 21” walleye off the dock!
9. The one thing I forgot to pack when I came to Aikens this year is my quad.